APRSWXNET/Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) Snow Project
The APRSWXNET/Citizen Weather Observer Program (CWOP) is a private-public partnership with the goals of collecting weather data contributed by citizens and making these data available for weather services and research activities. Upon integration into the MADIS database, the observations become available to hundreds of users in the meteorological community, including the majority of National Weather Service (NWS) forecast offices, the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), the National Operational Hydrologic Remote Sensing Center (NOHRSC), and many universities and private companies.
Recently a senior meteorologist from the NWS speaking about the CWOP program was quoted as saying:
"We have been using your temperature observations during the recent freeze or near-freeze conditions. For example, we have compiled your minimum temperatures each of the last three mornings and used them for forecast verification, in addition to our "official" observation sites at area airports. Since we release this information to the media and others, you may even see or hear your observation mentioned by a TV weather-person. Thanks again for your great work and keep those observations coming!!!"
CWOP was originally set up to provide data only from automated weather stations. Now, in collaboration with MADIS and the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail & Snow Network (CoCoRaHS) the capability has been added to contribute observations of snowfall and snow depth that are taken manually, then entered into the database via a simple form on the MADIS website. We are asking anyone who wishes to participate to join CWOP and contribute snow observations -- you don't need to be an existing CWOP member or even have an automated weather station. All you need is an Internet connection and a Web browser!
Volunteers are encouraged to enter any or all of the following observations, there's no requirement to enter all of the possible reports in order to participate:
- Snowfall for the last 24 hours
- Snow water equivalent of snowfall for the last 24 hours
- Snowfall for the last 6 hours
- Snow water equivalent of snowfall for the last 6 hours
- Total snow depth
- Snow water equivalent of total snow depth
Instructions on how to take the measurements are available here.
To sign up as a CWOP snow data observer, please click here.
To login and enter CWOP snow data, please click here.
Last updated 16 March 2017