MADIS Surface Variables - 1-minute ASOS
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code Name Units Max Notes Database QC Level FSL AWIPS* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TD dewpoint temperature K 3 1,6 X RH relative humidity % 3 1,6 X Q specific humidity kg/kg 3 1,6 X DPD dewpoint depression K 3 1,6 X AH absolute humidity g/(m**3) 3 1,6 X ALTSE altimeter Pa 3 2 X DENSALT density altitude m 0 X WVMR water vapor mixing ratio kg/kg 3 1,6 X P station pressure Pa 3 2 X T air temperature K 3 4 X TV virtual temperature K 3 4,6 X DD wind direction deg 3 5 X FF wind speed m/s 3 5 X U u wind component m/s 3 5 X V v wind component m/s 3 5 X VIS visibility m 1 X ELEV elevation m 0 X LAT latitude deg N 0 X LON longitude deg E 0 X PLATTYP data platform type code 0 6 X PCP1H accumulated precip - 1h m 1 7,6 X PCPRATE precipitation rate kg/(m**2)/s 1 7 X SKYCVLB sky cover layer base m 0 10 X FFGUST wind gust m/s 2 6 X RVRID runway ID deg 0 23 X RVRLOC location of RVR runway 23 X RVRTYPE runway visual range distance type 23 X RVRVR runway visual range distance m 0 23 X ALERT1 alert data 1 24 X ALERT2 alert data 2 24 X ARMKST automated remarks status 34 X DDSS wind direction sensor status 35 X FFSS wind speed sensor status 35 X FRZRSS freezing rain sensor status 35 X PCPASS precip accumulation sensor status 35 X PCPTSS precip occurrence and type sensor status 35 X PSS pressure sensor status 35 X RVRSS runway visual range sensor status 35 X SCLBSS sky cover layer base sensor status 35 X TDSS dewpoint sensor status 35 X TSS temperature sensor status 35 X VISSS visibility sensor status 35 X OPSTAT operating status 36 X PARACT parameter activation status 37 X
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Code Name Character Notes Database Size FSL AWIPS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PRESWEA present weather 25 20 X SKYCOV sky cover 3x8 10 X STALOC station location 51 21 X AUTORMK automated remarks 80 34 X OPERRMK operator remarks 80 34 X*The 1-minute ASOS dataset is only available with the FSL database.
Last updated 15 March 2017