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  MADIS Surface Variables

MADIS Surface Variables - MESONET/RWIS/National Mesonet


Code       Name                                Units      Max    Notes     Database
                                                       QC Level*         FSL    AWIPS
TD        dewpoint temperature                 K            3    1,6      X       X
RH        relative humidity                    %            3    1,6      X       X
Q         specific humidity                    kg/kg        3    1,6      X       X
DPD       dewpoint depression                  K            3    1,6      X       X
AH        absolute humidity                    g/(m**3)     3    1,6      X       X
ALTSE     altimeter                            Pa           3    2        X       X
WVMR      water vapor mixing ratio             kg/kg        3    1,6      X       X
PT3       3 hour pressure change               Pa           2    3        X       X
PT3CHR    character of 3h pressure change      code         0    3        X       X
SLP       sea level pressure                   Pa           3             X       X
P         station pressure                     Pa           3    2        X       X
T         air temperature                      K            3    4        X       X
TV        virtual temperature                  K            3    4,6      X       X
DD        wind direction                       deg          3    5        X       X
FF        wind speed                           m/s          3    5        X       X
U         u wind component                     m/s          3    5        X       X
V         v wind component                     m/s          3    5        X       X
VIS       visibility                           m            1             X       X
ELEV      elevation                            m            0             X       X
LAT       latitude                             deg N        0             X       X
LON       longitude                            deg E        0             X       X
PCPTOTL   total precipitation                  m            0    30,6     X       X
PCP5M     accumulated precip - 5m              m            1    6        X       X
PCP15M    accumulated precip - 15m             m            1             X       X
PCP1H     accumulated precip - 1h              m            1    7,6      X       X
PCP3H     accumulated precip - 3h              m            1             X       X
PCP6H     accumulated precip - 6h              m            1             X       X
PCP12H    accumulated precip - 12h             m            1             X       X
PCP18H    accumulated precip - 18h             m            1             X       X
PCP24H    accumulated precip - 24h             m            1    6        X       X
PCPLM     accum. precip - since local midnight m            1             X       X
PCPUTCM   accum. precip - since UTC midnight   m            1             X       X
PCPRATE   precipitation rate                   kg/(m**2)/s  1    7        X       X
PCPINT    precipitation intensity              code         0    8        X       X
PCPTYPE   precipitation type                   code         0    9        X       X
SKYCVLB   sky cover layer base                 m            0    10       X       X
FUELM     Fuel moisture                        %            0             X       X
FUELT     Fuel temperature                     K            0             X       X
SOILM     Soil moisture tension                kPa          0             X       X
SOILMP    Soil moisture percent                %            1             X       X
SOILT     Soil temperature                     K            2    6        X       X
DDGUST    wind dir at gust                     deg          1    6        X       X
FFGUST    wind gust                            m/s          2    6        X       X
SST       sea surface temperature              K            2             X       X
FSRDINS   diffuse solar radiation - instant.   watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
FSRD5M    diffuse solar radiation - 5min       watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
FSRD15M   diffuse solar radiation - 15m        watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
FSRD1H    diffuse solar radiation - 1h         watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
FSRD24H   diffuse solar radiation - 24h        watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
DSRDINS   direct solar radiation - instant.    watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
DSRD5M    direct solar radiation - 5min        watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
DSRD15M   direct solar radiation - 15m         watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
DSRD1H    direct solar radiation - 1h          watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
DSRD24H   direct solar radiation - 24h         watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
GSRDINS   global solar radiation - instant.    watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
GSRD5M    global solar radiation - 5min        watt/(m**2)  0    6        X       X
GSRD15M   global solar radiation - 15m         watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
GSRD1H    global solar radiation - 1h          watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
GSRD24H   global solar radiation - 24h         watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
PAR       photosynthetically active radiation  watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
SOLRAD    solar radiation - unknown type       watt/(m**2)  0             X       X
PWV       GPSMET precipitable water vapor      m            0             X       X
GPSTSD    GPSMET total signal delay            m            0             X       X
GPSDSD    GPSMET dry signal delay              m            0             X       X
GPSWSD    GPSMET wet signal delay              m            0             X       X
GPSMWT    GPSMET mean weighted temperature     K            0             X       X
GPSFE     GPSMET formal error                  m            0             X       X
GPSWDMF   GPSMET wet delay mapping function                 0             X       X
RDT1      Road temperature - sensor 1          K            0             X       X
RDT2      Road temperature - sensor 2          K            0             X       X
RDT3      Road temperature - sensor 3          K            0             X       X
RDT4      Road temperature - sensor 4          K            0             X       X
RDLFT1    Road liquid freeze temp - sensor 1   K            0             X       X
RDLFT2    Road liquid freeze temp - sensor 2   K            0             X       X
RDLFT3    Road liquid freeze temp - sensor 3   K            0             X       X
RDLFT4    Road liquid freeze temp - sensor 4   K            0             X       X
RDLCF1    Road liquid chem factor - sensor 1                0             X       X
RDLCF2    Road liquid chem factor - sensor 2                0             X       X
RDLCF3    Road liquid chem factor - sensor 3                0             X       X
RDLCF4    Road liquid chem factor - sensor 4                0             X       X
RDLCP1    Road liquid chem percent - sensor 1  %            0             X       X
RDLCP2    Road liquid chem percent - sensor 2  %            0             X       X
RDLCP3    Road liquid chem percent - sensor 3  %            0             X       X
RDLCP4    Road liquid chem percent - sensor 4  %            0             X       X
RDLIP1    Road liquid ice percent - sensor 1   %            0             X       X
RDLIP2    Road liquid ice percent - sensor 2   %            0             X       X
RDLIP3    Road liquid ice percent - sensor 3   %            0             X       X
RDLIP4    Road liquid ice percent - sensor 4   %            0             X       X
RDLDP1    Road liquid depth - sensor 1         m            0             X       X
RDLDP2    Road liquid depth - sensor 2         m            0             X       X
RDLDP3    Road liquid depth - sensor 3         m            0             X       X
RDLDP4    Road liquid depth - sensor 4         m            0             X       X
RDSTA1    Road state - sensor 1                code         0    17       X       X
RDSTA2    Road state - sensor 2                code         0    17       X       X
RDSTA3    Road state - sensor 3                code         0    17       X       X
RDSTA4    Road state - sensor 4                code         0    17       X       X
RDSUBT1   Road subsurface temp - sensor 1      K            0             X       X
RDSUBT2   Road subsurface temp - sensor 2      K            0             X       X
RDSUBT3   Road subsurface temp - sensor 3      K            0             X       X
RDSUBT4   Road subsurface temp - sensor 4      K            0             X       X
MLLW      mean lower low water                 m            0             X       X
NOBSSC    number of sky cover obs                                         X       X
HEDLIT    Mobile Head Lights                   code         0    38       X       X
MOFRIC    Mobile Friction                      %            0             X       X
PCP10M    precip 10 min                        m            0             X       X
RDBIS     Surface Black Ice Signal             code         0    39       X       X
RDCV2     Surface Conductivity V2              mhos/m       0             X       X
RDSDP     Road Snow Depth                      mm           0             X       X
RDSPDP    Road Snowpack Depth                  mm           0             X       X
RDSS      Surface Salinity                                  0             X       X
SFACR     Snowfall AccumRate                   m/s          0             X       X
TSUN24H   Sunshine in 24hr                     minutes      0             X       X
VISSIT    Visibility situation                 code         0    40       X       X
WIPER     Mobile Wipers                        code         0    41       X       X
ICEPER1   Percent of ice cover on roadway      %            0             X       X
ICETK     Thickness of the ice                 mm           0             X       X
PCPYN     Precipitation Yes No                 code         0    42       X       X
WATDP     Depth of water from user-defined pnt m            0             X       X


Code       Name                                Character         Notes     Database
                                               Size                      FSL    AWIPS
PRESWEA   present weather                      25                20       X       
SKYCOV    sky cover                            6x8               10       X       
STALOC    station location                     51                21       X       X
SUBPVDR   subprovider                          11                29       X       X

*The AWIPS database only has QC available for the MESONET dataset.

Last updated 3 March 2017